Frequently Asked Questions
What the backup is for?
It is a backup of your manga library, categories, and history.
What is the code for the backup?
You will get the code for the backup when you create a backup. It should be 32 characters long.
You can use the code to restore your manga library, categories, and history to other devices.
I got an error message when creating a backup
If you getting You have exceeded the limit for creating a backup
error message, please try again after 12 hours.
We limit the frequency of creating backups to 10 times per 12 hours.
How to restore the backup
You need to input the code to Restore from Code
menu. If the code is incorrect, you will get an error message. You can try up to 3 times before getting an error message to try it again in next hour.
If the code is correct, you will be shown a dialog asking if you want to restore the backup. It will show the count of your category, bookmarks, and history in your current device vs the backup. The current device data will be shown in red text and the backup data will be shown in green text.
If the count for the backup data is all zero, try to restart the app.
If you have any other questions or issues, feel free to contact us.