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Shimoe Manga Reader

Shimoe Manga Reader is a free ios app for reading comics, manhua, manhwa, webtoon, and manga. Inspired by Tachiyomi. No login required!

Create your own library

Bookmark your favorite manga and categorize them into your own library.

Check updates easily

Get new chapter updates of your favorite manga with one tap.


Keep track of what you've read and never lose your progress.


Browse manga, manhua, manhwa, webtoon, and comics easily.

Reading Mode

Customize reading mode to your liking, like webtoon scrolling, left to right reading, right to left reading and vertical scrolling.

Filter by genre

Filter the manga list by genre you like the most.

Read it offline

Download manga to read it later offline.

Backup and restore

Backup and restore your manga library to and from your devices.